
Got a servant’s heart?

We’d love to from you! Use the form below to tell us where you’d like to serve.

If you have a servant’s heart and want to contribute a small amount of your time to make a difference, we’d love to hear from you. Below are various areas you can serve in.

Each team has its unique training and onboarding process. Nevertheless, we make it simple and easy to serve.

Fill out the form to let us know which team(s) you are interested in and a member of our team will shortly follow up with you. If there’s an area you’d like to serve in but do not see it listed, we’d like to know that as well.

    This team of people is dedicated to meeting urgent needs that often arise within a Foster Care Family. FAM also provides support to ACS workers by creatively showing acts of kindness, support, and prayer.

    This team is comprised of people who are dedicated to serving our Church through spirit-led worship and music. Our team members meet once a week for rehearsal to help people experience the presence of God each Sunday thru music.

    Our team passionately teaches and develops our children in experiencing God through Bible teaching, worship, and a fun faith-filled environment.

    Our Youth Team meets every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. Thru messages that speak to the heart of our youth along with creative Bible centric games and activities, our youth are discovering Jesus, growing in their faith, and learning how to experience God at every level.

    We pride ourselves in being a loving church. One way you’ll feel the love is thru our hospitality team. They assist in making sure our guests and visitors are greeted, informed on what is happening, as well as providing refreshments whenever the occasion requires.

    Our Church is supported by prayer. We believe that a church will not stand if it does not pray. We have been standing because of our dedicated prayer team members who meet twice a week (Sunday before service and on Wednesday night) to pray. Our prayer team is also available to pray for people who call in to the church or need prayer at any of our services.

    Our audio/visuals are an essential part of our services. They help enhance our presentation and make for a smooth flow, whether it be for those in-person or for those who are participating online. They operate cameras, lighting, audio and visual programs.

    Our Usher team is a vital team of men who assist with the flow of foot traffic in and out of our facilities. Ushers are also helpful to disseminate items needed in any service such as communion elements, offering envelopes, connection cards, and the like. They help ensure an orderly flow that makes it possible for people to safely receive ministry.